Having said that, there are these moments when suddenly, we 'see the light.' We have epiphanies. Solutions to issues become instantaneously apparent. We are in a state of high "Eureka!". I think, when these moments happen, we are actually just experiencing what it is like to be in full operating mode. All our switches are on. This is how we are meant to be 24/7!
So why is being this way an exception and not the rule? That I cannot answer though theories abound. There is information about our activating all 12 of our DNA strands, and all the understanding around that awareness might be something for you to explore in depth, if your wondering about this topic is keeping you awake at night. It is fascinatng subject matter, for sure.
But if deep study isn't your thing, no worries. I will give you the crib notes. When you feel inspired, about anything (and you are inspired thousands of times a day in various degrees, whether you realize it or not), you are activating all your potential. When you act on your inspirations, you take things to the next level, and when you LOVE your inspirations, well, that is when you look like the enclosed picture. Your inner light explodes. Others standing next to you can feel it. People connected to you through friendship even if half way around the world will, at least fleetingly think of you. This is something that cannot be hidden.
This one fact, that inspiration is unavoidable, is why I am so optimistic about what the human race is currently going through. It is getting harder and harder to deny who we are under the guise of being a physical vehicle. Anyone committed to not seeing the Light, and hanging on to old paradigms, has a very hard row ahead. The old paradigm is 'bust your butt, suck up the difficulties and you might get somewhere.' The new paradigm is ' feel good, act on what inspires you and prepare for life to get easier.' That's my story and I am sticking to it.