It is so easy to fall prey to thinking of the Divine Feminine in terms of what we already identify with being feminine. She cannot be so easily circumscribed, and we need to be prepared to discipline ourselves not to limit a new archetype that is birthing herself, even now.
Think of all the feminine archetypes that have been until now from all cultures and all times. The range and variety of models of what the 'feminine' is about is vast.
What is coming in now as the Divine Feminine is all of what has been in times gone by, but in new combination. We have never seen 'her' before, not like this, so staying empty of concept is best advised.
It is a little like the night before Christmas and you are looking at the wrapped presents under the tree and figuring out what you think they might be. And then sometimes the next day, you are totally surprised and over the moon because you guessed wrong, and what you got was so much better than you could have imagined.
I wrote a blog in 2012 entitled 'Something This Way comes.' That is how I feel about the Divine Feminine. We can feel her approaching and entering into our realm and our beings. It is a subtle and simultaneously powerful progression we are experiencing, and more or less wipes out our hard drive of expectations.
Not knowing and not speculating I think is going to be one of the best parts of this great gift and privilege of being here for this incoming of the new field that is being called the Divine Feminine. I deeply suspect that our art and our choices for living will describe this event just fine. It is humbling to lay so low and put our over- conceptualizing to bed but I think this is the time for us to be surprised.