"Ice", a very sweet shelter dog
Night is when we 're-ravel' what became unraveled in the day, or that is what is supposed to happen, but every so often, rest is not to be had. When you dutifully get up anyhow, in spite of a rough night, and stumble to the bathroom and look in the mirror and scare yourself, you know you are having one of those days.
The causes for the restless nights are multiple and some are just flat out unavoidable. We humans are being re-calibrated to match up with the new vibrations and it is not always an easy transition. Necessary, but not easy. So what's a body to do?
Here's what I recommend. Fall on the floor laughing at the image in the mirror. Spoiler alert. You are not doomed to look this way for the rest of your life. As a matter of face, the newly re-calibrated you will become rejuvenated and will start looking and feeling much more in keeping with your ascending journey of consciousness.
Rome was not built in a day. Take really good care of yourself physically in as many ways as you can come up with during these fast shifting times, and in the meantime, find the disconbobulated you to be very very funny.
By the way, the dog in the picture was one of the sweetest beings ever. She ended up being adopted to a very loving household full of children who thought this dog was a gift from heaven. She was and hopefully still is.
The causes for the restless nights are multiple and some are just flat out unavoidable. We humans are being re-calibrated to match up with the new vibrations and it is not always an easy transition. Necessary, but not easy. So what's a body to do?
Here's what I recommend. Fall on the floor laughing at the image in the mirror. Spoiler alert. You are not doomed to look this way for the rest of your life. As a matter of face, the newly re-calibrated you will become rejuvenated and will start looking and feeling much more in keeping with your ascending journey of consciousness.
Rome was not built in a day. Take really good care of yourself physically in as many ways as you can come up with during these fast shifting times, and in the meantime, find the disconbobulated you to be very very funny.
By the way, the dog in the picture was one of the sweetest beings ever. She ended up being adopted to a very loving household full of children who thought this dog was a gift from heaven. She was and hopefully still is.