Tybee dolphins celebrating water
You have not seen what celebrating water looks like until you watch what dolphins do in it and with it. And young children give dolphins a run for their money in their enthusiasm for water. If there is a fountain in a mall, mothers of toddlers need to grip their hands hard or they will be given the slip as the toddler gallops to the fountain. Ghetto kids' joy in playing in a spewing fire hydrant on a hot summer day is case in point two. A male friend of mine shared the story of his six month old daughter the day he first took her to the beach. He set her down on the sand momentarily to do something and she became like a little sand crab scuttling in record time towards the surf. He intercepted her but came to realize, he could not just set her on the sand because she would not stop heading out to sea.
Water gives us life and renewal in all ways. To become unconscious about what water means to us actually robs us because that which we love, we will protect.We don't tend to protect what we take for granted.
Protecting our seas and waterways is now a crucial crucial thing. This is a tipping point. There are plenty examples of that being the case. If you have no water issues where you are, count yourself as most blessed of people.
So, I hereby, being of sound heart, advocate on this Valentine's Day of 2013 that we honor and appreciate and celebrate water in all ways, and that from this day forward, when Valentine's Day rolls around, you remember this as "Love Water Day". I know enough about working with the water spirits to know that they are exceedingly sensitive to when they are being appreciated for all they do for us. Any action we can take on their behalf is a most good thing to do, and we stand to benefit so much.
I count conscious awareness of gratitude as 'doing', by the way. If you want an example of what that looks like in motion, watch whales and dolphins in the great playground that is the deep blue sea, and watch elephants playing in a water hole.
Water gives us life and renewal in all ways. To become unconscious about what water means to us actually robs us because that which we love, we will protect.We don't tend to protect what we take for granted.
Protecting our seas and waterways is now a crucial crucial thing. This is a tipping point. There are plenty examples of that being the case. If you have no water issues where you are, count yourself as most blessed of people.
So, I hereby, being of sound heart, advocate on this Valentine's Day of 2013 that we honor and appreciate and celebrate water in all ways, and that from this day forward, when Valentine's Day rolls around, you remember this as "Love Water Day". I know enough about working with the water spirits to know that they are exceedingly sensitive to when they are being appreciated for all they do for us. Any action we can take on their behalf is a most good thing to do, and we stand to benefit so much.
I count conscious awareness of gratitude as 'doing', by the way. If you want an example of what that looks like in motion, watch whales and dolphins in the great playground that is the deep blue sea, and watch elephants playing in a water hole.