Double bubble communication from two of my finny friends
Cracking the code of Nature speaking to us provides one of the greatest joys of living, at least in my world. I discovered several years back that, as one example, dolphins seem to be wanting to reward my intense interest in them by speaking to me in bubbles. It took me a while to figure this out since they blow bubbles all the time anyhow. How could I tell there was something deliberate going on?
Easy. They would repeatedly come up and look at me as if to say," did you get that?"
Then I started studying the different kinds of bubbles they would blow before surfacing and asking me "did you get that?". I wrote about that investigation in my book entitled The Chronicles of the Savannah River Dolphins (see my website about this book). But then . . . this other discovery occurred. When the bubbles would pop right next to me, I COULD FEEL THE ENERGY HELD IN THE BUBBLE THAT CAME FROM THE AIR BEING INSIDE THE DOLPHIN! I would feel a wave of euphoria. It was only after I noticed this a number of times that I connected the dots. I also feel that wave when a dolphin exhales on me.
These discoveries are what I live for. I know there is much more to come to help elucidate the human/dolphin connection. Being able to explore in the ocean with these amazing beings is about as good as it gets. On a daily basis for half the year during the time when the dolphins are in my' backyard', I find myself 'knocking on heaven's door.' There are always new breakthroughs on this scavenger hunt and I promise you I will share what I find as soon as I find it. Mama Earth wants us to remember these old connections, and make them new again. This "New Earth" since Dec.21,2012 is the perfect birthing ground for such breakthroughs.
Easy. They would repeatedly come up and look at me as if to say," did you get that?"
Then I started studying the different kinds of bubbles they would blow before surfacing and asking me "did you get that?". I wrote about that investigation in my book entitled The Chronicles of the Savannah River Dolphins (see my website about this book). But then . . . this other discovery occurred. When the bubbles would pop right next to me, I COULD FEEL THE ENERGY HELD IN THE BUBBLE THAT CAME FROM THE AIR BEING INSIDE THE DOLPHIN! I would feel a wave of euphoria. It was only after I noticed this a number of times that I connected the dots. I also feel that wave when a dolphin exhales on me.
These discoveries are what I live for. I know there is much more to come to help elucidate the human/dolphin connection. Being able to explore in the ocean with these amazing beings is about as good as it gets. On a daily basis for half the year during the time when the dolphins are in my' backyard', I find myself 'knocking on heaven's door.' There are always new breakthroughs on this scavenger hunt and I promise you I will share what I find as soon as I find it. Mama Earth wants us to remember these old connections, and make them new again. This "New Earth" since Dec.21,2012 is the perfect birthing ground for such breakthroughs.