Yesterday was launch day for my new website. As I am always doing with the least provocation, I did a ceremony to bless and sanctify what this website will make possible in the way of giving back. I went out to the water under my favorite cedar tree with a crystal family member (an elestial) to hold the blessing. I stood and looked out on this perfect day to a mirror still body of water in front of me that just glistened with sunlight. No sign of dolphins at that moment. I opened the ceremony with tuning forks of the same hertz as the Phi ratio (the spiral of life). Then I called in all welcome attendants and commenced to read the blessing I had written on paper to be crumpled and burned in my baby chimenia. The smoke coming out of chimney was used to bathe and suffuse the crystal with the intentions of the read blessings, now going out in the form of smoke. Then I trot off to the water, crystal in hand, to bathe it in Mama Ocean and offer it up to the sun which is dancing off the surfaces of those amazing angles on the face of the elestial. The only sea life around are some sea gulls walking in the surf, cocking their heads at me. Back to the tree I go and look out again at the water, still unbroken and smooth as far as the eye can see. I am just so happy. The ceremony is now ready to wrap up. I express gratitude and am ready to sound the tuning forks in closing when . . . a dolphin shot straight up into the air (just like in the picture). Nature speaks back, just like she always does. To see that beautiful silver body hurtling into the air when all there had been was stillness was like a celebratory whoop. And this is why I love to do ceremony!