one of my buddies
Removing protection around the heart that has built up over time and even over lifetimes can be rough going. Even if the price paid for having a highly fortified heart was living with feeling love only under certain very prescribed conditions, real full bore open hearted love, at least there was a sense of some degree of safety.
Now that way of being has been turned on its head. Now, in 2013, it is not in the least safe to live with a bound up heart and in fact, will kill you if you try to, maybe not immediately but sooner rather than later. You will be killed from the unbearableness of being separated from the Truth that wants its name known now. Just what is that truth? I suggest it is, we are all ONE.
Any experience you have during these times that is causing you to feel pain in your heart I propose is an indication that the defences around your heart are being dismantled. You are undergoing, as it were, surgery to give you access to a much more open heart. Healing from this surgery will surprise you in its speediness and almost immediately, you will run into a barrage of the effects of having a far more open heart. One of the effects I want you to be on the lookout for. It will give you a good barometric reading of where you are in the open heart department. When you honestly feel as happy for another's success and joy as you do for you own, you are in open heart land. The quotient of the joy now possible for you to experience at any point in time shoots through the roof. You are not limited to just your good fortune. Dolphins taught me this a long long time ago. It is why I feel rich as Croesus
Now that way of being has been turned on its head. Now, in 2013, it is not in the least safe to live with a bound up heart and in fact, will kill you if you try to, maybe not immediately but sooner rather than later. You will be killed from the unbearableness of being separated from the Truth that wants its name known now. Just what is that truth? I suggest it is, we are all ONE.
Any experience you have during these times that is causing you to feel pain in your heart I propose is an indication that the defences around your heart are being dismantled. You are undergoing, as it were, surgery to give you access to a much more open heart. Healing from this surgery will surprise you in its speediness and almost immediately, you will run into a barrage of the effects of having a far more open heart. One of the effects I want you to be on the lookout for. It will give you a good barometric reading of where you are in the open heart department. When you honestly feel as happy for another's success and joy as you do for you own, you are in open heart land. The quotient of the joy now possible for you to experience at any point in time shoots through the roof. You are not limited to just your good fortune. Dolphins taught me this a long long time ago. It is why I feel rich as Croesus