Here's what I suggest. Watch and learn from our cousins in the sea. I, being an avid watcher and learner in this regard have become very clear about something going on in dolphin societies. I do believe that a huge part of what they are up to with their high intelligence is doing very intricate work in their social interactions within their societies. They have not built any skyscrapers but I think they have pulled off something we humans are still wrangling with. They are 100% loyal to the whole pod, and they are 100% loyal to their own individuality, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
If you pin me down to what in particular allowed me to arrive at that perspective, I would have to say it is no one thing. When I am with dolphins, I expand my own repertoire of how to know anything, which means, I am pulling information in from all areas of my brain. I am being inductive and deductive and intuitive ALL AT ONCE. Out of that, comes a kind of knowing that is bigger than its parts. I will submit in dolphin section (see 'Energetic Teachings') some examples of what I am talking about.
This is a large topic which I will go into much more detail about in the book I am currently writing (Deep in the Delphic Wave, due out in 2013). For now, I just put this perspective out there as one of many of the pieces of dolphin wisdom I think we humans stand to gain by. I observe that people are aching to fully be themselves at this juncture, and all of the age old fears of that not being acceptible to the 'whole' (whether family or friends or culture) are rising to the surface letting us know, it is time for this dichotomy to heal. And that's the good news!