There is something exhilarating when a storm moves in. Frightening sometimes but also very stimulating. When the dark and the light are right next to each other in great contrast, something in us wakes fully.
We are forever trying to ban the dark. Annihilate it. Make it gone forever. In a unitive world, this would make sense, but in the dying days of duality, we have another job to do. We keep thinking it is to 'get rid of' all that we judge as being off the mark.
I put to you, that is not our job at all. Our job is to dance, and allow and weave all threads.
What usually comes up at this point is that allowing the truly darkest of darks is just . . well . . .unallowable. How could anyone in good consciouse allow that which we feel represents the very worst of humanity? I am not saying you have to approve of dark acts or like them. I am saying you have to allow them.
What does that even mean? It means you accept that Love, which is all inclusive wins. When you kick no one out of creation, the sheer potency of that degree of acceptance always brings the sheep who wandered off back into the flock, eventually, and 'eventually' is the operative word here.
This kind of potent love must be done outside of time because if you stay in time, you will run out of spiritual will or faith and have a horrible backlash of despair and rage that all your attempts to "love someone home" don't seem to be working. But if you are not watching the clock, miracles happen.
This is the graduate course I am talking about, this level of love. How to get there? Dance. Love your own flaws. Find your neighbors' idiosyncracies amusing. Start small and build up. Just keep dancing. It is very hard to laugh at yourself, forgive yourself and hate yourself at the same time. (And as you know, being unhappy with anyone else is impossible when you fully accept yourself, dark side and all). It is hard to dance and identify with any one position or judgement at the same time. We just need to keep dancing . . .and dancing . . .and dancing. We are headed home.
We are forever trying to ban the dark. Annihilate it. Make it gone forever. In a unitive world, this would make sense, but in the dying days of duality, we have another job to do. We keep thinking it is to 'get rid of' all that we judge as being off the mark.
I put to you, that is not our job at all. Our job is to dance, and allow and weave all threads.
What usually comes up at this point is that allowing the truly darkest of darks is just . . well . . .unallowable. How could anyone in good consciouse allow that which we feel represents the very worst of humanity? I am not saying you have to approve of dark acts or like them. I am saying you have to allow them.
What does that even mean? It means you accept that Love, which is all inclusive wins. When you kick no one out of creation, the sheer potency of that degree of acceptance always brings the sheep who wandered off back into the flock, eventually, and 'eventually' is the operative word here.
This kind of potent love must be done outside of time because if you stay in time, you will run out of spiritual will or faith and have a horrible backlash of despair and rage that all your attempts to "love someone home" don't seem to be working. But if you are not watching the clock, miracles happen.
This is the graduate course I am talking about, this level of love. How to get there? Dance. Love your own flaws. Find your neighbors' idiosyncracies amusing. Start small and build up. Just keep dancing. It is very hard to laugh at yourself, forgive yourself and hate yourself at the same time. (And as you know, being unhappy with anyone else is impossible when you fully accept yourself, dark side and all). It is hard to dance and identify with any one position or judgement at the same time. We just need to keep dancing . . .and dancing . . .and dancing. We are headed home.