We are all so curious. How will this happen? What will it look like? How long will it last? What will be different afterwards?
I am like everyone else who wonders. We will know when we get there. I do think, though, I got a sneak peek into the 'heart of the matter', the core of what this experience is about. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Several times a year, my night blooming cereus plant puts out these magnificent blossoms. I never get more than one or two blossoms from this plant at a time but last week, it put out an explosion of 12 blossoms! They bloom at night and only last for about 8 hours and then, the show is over. The most heavenly scent is emitted as they are opening. You literally can watch the blossom shiver and shake as it opens. It always demarcates a very special time when these blooms open, and I photograph each blossom.
The picture I included here is what you see in the center of the blossom. Looking at this image, I feel . . . this is a picture of what we will be receiving, on whatever level of awareness we are open to, during this December alignment I mentioned above. This time period is called the End of the Mayan Calendar and though there is dispute (and an infinite variety of interpretations) about that date and what it means, what is not disputed by those actively evolving their own consciousness is that we will experience something very unusual due to the alignment in the cosmos of earth and sun and center of the Milky Way.
Experiencing glory is an internal thing. It is not dependent on calendars and clocks, but having a JOINED experience with many others with whom you share so much on so many levels, that is very unusual. I don't know what to expect on Dec.21,22 and 23, but when I look into a Cereus blossom, I think I know what our consciousness will feel like. It's all about glory and possibility. For many, the world may look the same on the days to follow the alignment, but for those who choose not to fall back asleep, nothing will look the same, ever again. We will have our work cut out for us from that point forward, but we will be very clear about what we are doing and why, and privileged to be able to serve. It will make every struggle and sacrifice to get to this place of clear vision and open hearts worth it, I predict. The flowers are cheering us on.