The Lady of the harbor still stands with her invitation to "the huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Sandy did not topple her. But now there is a huddling of another sort going on. Neighbors are huddling while they sort themselves out. They have each other. Everything takes forever during this recovery period, so people involuntarily 'huddle' standing in long lines for what is much needed. Conversations with strangers take place that offer solace and distraction and even entertainment in the midst of so much uncertainty. Staging areas have the National Guard and the Red Cross being like magnets pulling in and together the ones needing help. Something about jostling together 'wing to wing' can be vastly reassuring.
Are there flare ups of temper due to exhaustion and frustration up on the Northeast coast at this time? No doubt, but my guess is that the bigger variable going on is compassion for others sharing the same discomfort and in some instances, deep loss. Northerners are known for speaking their mind without compunction but that does not mean that the waters of caring do not flow just as strongly within them. I'm always suspicious that a tough exterior belies a tender interior.
The picture I have included here is of my adored sandpipers huddling for warmth on a coldish day here on the beach, just like the penguins do in Antarctica during the intense winter storms. It is an instinct to do such things, and a great leveler of the playing field - no squabbling here over whose edible tidbit in the sand belongs to whom. The birds know there is comfort to be had in coming together when the wintry offshore wind blows.
Focusing on differences, as it turns out, is a luxury. When one has spare energy and time, then the differences can be indulged. But when life steps in and puts us all into the same boat, the instinct is to share warmth, for warmth is so needed at such times. Differences tend to go by the wayside. I find it beyond interesting that this storm came in and packed such a wallop on the most populated area of this country right at election time when there is such deep division in this land of ours. Nature seems to be telling us . . . "come together". "Huddle and share warmth." Many are doing just that. What a wonderful opportunity to dig deep in one's decision about who to be at the helm for the next four years. One's values become very apparent when one is so raw.
Are there flare ups of temper due to exhaustion and frustration up on the Northeast coast at this time? No doubt, but my guess is that the bigger variable going on is compassion for others sharing the same discomfort and in some instances, deep loss. Northerners are known for speaking their mind without compunction but that does not mean that the waters of caring do not flow just as strongly within them. I'm always suspicious that a tough exterior belies a tender interior.
The picture I have included here is of my adored sandpipers huddling for warmth on a coldish day here on the beach, just like the penguins do in Antarctica during the intense winter storms. It is an instinct to do such things, and a great leveler of the playing field - no squabbling here over whose edible tidbit in the sand belongs to whom. The birds know there is comfort to be had in coming together when the wintry offshore wind blows.
Focusing on differences, as it turns out, is a luxury. When one has spare energy and time, then the differences can be indulged. But when life steps in and puts us all into the same boat, the instinct is to share warmth, for warmth is so needed at such times. Differences tend to go by the wayside. I find it beyond interesting that this storm came in and packed such a wallop on the most populated area of this country right at election time when there is such deep division in this land of ours. Nature seems to be telling us . . . "come together". "Huddle and share warmth." Many are doing just that. What a wonderful opportunity to dig deep in one's decision about who to be at the helm for the next four years. One's values become very apparent when one is so raw.