Think of your life. Which paths are most well worn and the most loved. The picture you see on the left is a case in point. This is where I set out to sea to swim and kayak with my dolphin family. I pad bare footed towards the sea on the pavers and the planks with a heart full of expectation, each and every time. (Gives whole new meaning to 'walking the plank!') Since everything is vibration and everything is connected, I know my joy vibrations - anticipation when going in one direction, and fulfillment when coming home, must surely be absorbed where my feet land, such that when another treads the same path, they might feel "someone happy came through this place."
I am convinced we leave our emanations wherever we go, so when you strike out in a direction, perhaps taking a path no-one else has, you are actually giving them the courage to go that same way if they are so inclined. They can feel a degree of safety and encouragement. By the same token, we can detect which paths we do not wish to take by the tales told by our absorbed auric field in the environment.
For each of us, a big road stretches out ahead made up of paths we have yet to choose. Do you want the comfort of the familiar? Or do you have a taste for the untried? Whatever, it is your life and your choosing. Just do me this favor. Choose at least one path you love with all your heart. I just showed you mine.