Laurel getting my dogs' hopes up
There is something about 'taking care of', whether it is of a person, an animal,a plant or even your own body. When we tend something, it brings out a quality in our nature that shines in its simplicity and dedication.
So many environmentalists and animal activists are working hard to get people to appreciate all the kingdoms we share the planet with so that we will want to do that very natural thing that happens when we do care. We will want to tend, and care for and preserve.
It starts small. Children are told they can have an animal but they must take care of it. Some children seem born with that nurturing tendency. Others do well with learning through practice.
I love watching my grand daughter Laurel doing things for my dogs. She does it with such focus and interest. She doesn't just put a bowl of food in front of them and run off. She turns feeding them into a Zen act of mindfulness.
Needless to say, my dogs love her. All whom we tend feel, on a deep and non-verbal level, a link of love with our spirits. They may or may not show it, or say so, but they unavoidably feel so..
I have heard it said, and it rings true, that there are no longer safe places on this planet, but there are safe people. Those who tend to Gaia and all her inhabitants are loving her. She in turn, loves back those very ones and keeps them as safe as they need to be to fulfill their destiny. That is all the assurance we need to have as we go about the simplicity of the daily parts of life in which we are tending what is in our care. We are safe people.
So many environmentalists and animal activists are working hard to get people to appreciate all the kingdoms we share the planet with so that we will want to do that very natural thing that happens when we do care. We will want to tend, and care for and preserve.
It starts small. Children are told they can have an animal but they must take care of it. Some children seem born with that nurturing tendency. Others do well with learning through practice.
I love watching my grand daughter Laurel doing things for my dogs. She does it with such focus and interest. She doesn't just put a bowl of food in front of them and run off. She turns feeding them into a Zen act of mindfulness.
Needless to say, my dogs love her. All whom we tend feel, on a deep and non-verbal level, a link of love with our spirits. They may or may not show it, or say so, but they unavoidably feel so..
I have heard it said, and it rings true, that there are no longer safe places on this planet, but there are safe people. Those who tend to Gaia and all her inhabitants are loving her. She in turn, loves back those very ones and keeps them as safe as they need to be to fulfill their destiny. That is all the assurance we need to have as we go about the simplicity of the daily parts of life in which we are tending what is in our care. We are safe people.