pink dolphin off coast of Louisiana (photographer unknown)
Whatever sets you apart, we need you to honor it. It is no accident, whatever our 'differentness' is. Within it lies tremendous opportunity. When I think of all the years I spent not knowing that what set me apart was what was best about me (especially as a teenager who is so driven by need to be accepted), it makes me really want to underscore this message.
It is the age old story of the hawk brought up by chickens that does not know how to honor its hawkness, and can't, really, until he or she figures out that they are a hawk. Whatever you need to do to explore more deeply into the truth of your own nature, do so.
I also want to add that for all of us, even at our most un-self-knowing of times in our life, there have ALWAYS been those in our circle who DID see us and recognize us for who we essentially are. Oftentimes, we do not notice them, but in retrospect, they are always there, adding their blessing. They may be a teacher, a neighbor or even an animal, but they help keep us alive long enough to figure ourselves out.
So now that you are "all growed up" and you know who you are, thank you so much for what you bring forward that is much needed that was not recognized by you and others in your sphere when you were young.
It is the age old story of the hawk brought up by chickens that does not know how to honor its hawkness, and can't, really, until he or she figures out that they are a hawk. Whatever you need to do to explore more deeply into the truth of your own nature, do so.
I also want to add that for all of us, even at our most un-self-knowing of times in our life, there have ALWAYS been those in our circle who DID see us and recognize us for who we essentially are. Oftentimes, we do not notice them, but in retrospect, they are always there, adding their blessing. They may be a teacher, a neighbor or even an animal, but they help keep us alive long enough to figure ourselves out.
So now that you are "all growed up" and you know who you are, thank you so much for what you bring forward that is much needed that was not recognized by you and others in your sphere when you were young.