gorilla in the wild checks out an amazed tourist
Well, we are here. The day after the pin point of the galactic alignment, for all points and purposes. So what is new and different? It is up to us. What do we wish to be new and different? Our call.
So I will get the ball rolling. Let's have a Peaceable Kingdom, where humans and creatures . . .make that ALL creatures get along, are curious, wish to interact, and delight each other. We have so much to learn from all of Nature's teachers, no matter what kingdom they are part of.
This picture is from a video of a tourist visiting in Africa where the mountain gorillas live. He was hopeful that he might get within feet of the gorillas but never in his wildest dreams did he believe that when he sat down, they would come up behind him, a mother and her children AND the big silverback who was the head of this particular band of gorillas.
The man's friend videotaped as the improbable happened. The mother gorilla and the babies came up and began touching the man on his head. The mother gorilla proceeded to give him a virtual head massage. The man could hardly fathom what was going on and was grinning ear to ear the whole time. The silverback (in the background of the picture) simply sat down and watched.
When I went to Galapagos Islands years ago, the animals were so tame you had to be careful where you put your feet because they had no fear AT ALL of humans and would not move as you approached them. Birds would light on your shoulder. We all became St. Francis of Assissi. Even as I swam there and saw two white tipped sharks next to me, I had no fear because they had no fear.
So this is what I would like to throw into the mix for the New Earth, that we trade out our fear for interest. That we uncover and explore our ability to get on any and all wavelengths, be it with other humans or with any aspect of Nature, so that we may find connection and exchange of the peaceful and curious kind to be the most natural thing in the world. We have started moving in this direction. All we need to do is, keep going. We are still in the alignment so, what a perfect time to dream the future. As I said earlier, it is our call.
So I will get the ball rolling. Let's have a Peaceable Kingdom, where humans and creatures . . .make that ALL creatures get along, are curious, wish to interact, and delight each other. We have so much to learn from all of Nature's teachers, no matter what kingdom they are part of.
This picture is from a video of a tourist visiting in Africa where the mountain gorillas live. He was hopeful that he might get within feet of the gorillas but never in his wildest dreams did he believe that when he sat down, they would come up behind him, a mother and her children AND the big silverback who was the head of this particular band of gorillas.
The man's friend videotaped as the improbable happened. The mother gorilla and the babies came up and began touching the man on his head. The mother gorilla proceeded to give him a virtual head massage. The man could hardly fathom what was going on and was grinning ear to ear the whole time. The silverback (in the background of the picture) simply sat down and watched.
When I went to Galapagos Islands years ago, the animals were so tame you had to be careful where you put your feet because they had no fear AT ALL of humans and would not move as you approached them. Birds would light on your shoulder. We all became St. Francis of Assissi. Even as I swam there and saw two white tipped sharks next to me, I had no fear because they had no fear.
So this is what I would like to throw into the mix for the New Earth, that we trade out our fear for interest. That we uncover and explore our ability to get on any and all wavelengths, be it with other humans or with any aspect of Nature, so that we may find connection and exchange of the peaceful and curious kind to be the most natural thing in the world. We have started moving in this direction. All we need to do is, keep going. We are still in the alignment so, what a perfect time to dream the future. As I said earlier, it is our call.