Please . . no more air guns
So many things to care about, but every so often, you hit upon something you simply have to put at the top of the list. For me, that would be, noise pollution in the ocean and how that is affecting whales and dolphins who are totally reliant on working with sound to live and thrive.
Savannah was graced today by having Kathy Parrish from Oceana's Global Office (in Washington D.C.) come to lead a rally around the issue of the impact of seismic testing for oil on the ocean floors. Back in February, one of my heroes, Hardy Jones, Executive Director of Bluevoice.org went to the coast of Northern Peru to investigate a massive 900 plus dolphin die out that occurred in the same region where seismic testing had been done. The necropsies reveal evidence of accoustical trauma (see Hardy's website for details www.bluevoice.org). That is the biggest die off of dolphins I have heard of so far, and to think that the dolphins here on Tybee Island, that I work with, play with, learn from, could be subjected to those decibels and die as a result, it is simply unacceptible in any and all ways..
I went to the rally. The numbers attending were not large but everything in me let me know that this issue is something I must respond to in whatever way. So, responding today meant I was there shouting and blowing whistles along with this small group because . . .well, because it is doing something. The energy of us all was not anger. It was simple caring. We truly care.
Years ago, I had a dream in which I saw a whale's eye looking at me (a very large whale's eye, I might add). Somehow, the whale communicated with me something along the lines of "do something!" I have done some things (see section in my website on "Noise Pollution") and now, I plan on doing more. I can't not. I am FOR serenity in the oceans. We are a long ways from that, but at least, I am very clear about what I am for. I just pray we humans wake up in a timely manner.
Savannah was graced today by having Kathy Parrish from Oceana's Global Office (in Washington D.C.) come to lead a rally around the issue of the impact of seismic testing for oil on the ocean floors. Back in February, one of my heroes, Hardy Jones, Executive Director of Bluevoice.org went to the coast of Northern Peru to investigate a massive 900 plus dolphin die out that occurred in the same region where seismic testing had been done. The necropsies reveal evidence of accoustical trauma (see Hardy's website for details www.bluevoice.org). That is the biggest die off of dolphins I have heard of so far, and to think that the dolphins here on Tybee Island, that I work with, play with, learn from, could be subjected to those decibels and die as a result, it is simply unacceptible in any and all ways..
I went to the rally. The numbers attending were not large but everything in me let me know that this issue is something I must respond to in whatever way. So, responding today meant I was there shouting and blowing whistles along with this small group because . . .well, because it is doing something. The energy of us all was not anger. It was simple caring. We truly care.
Years ago, I had a dream in which I saw a whale's eye looking at me (a very large whale's eye, I might add). Somehow, the whale communicated with me something along the lines of "do something!" I have done some things (see section in my website on "Noise Pollution") and now, I plan on doing more. I can't not. I am FOR serenity in the oceans. We are a long ways from that, but at least, I am very clear about what I am for. I just pray we humans wake up in a timely manner.