OK OK. Guilty as accused. What can I say. I was a philosophy major in college, going through existential angst of the first order and only the far reaching questions about life interested me. Then, I calmed down and became interested in just living my life. Then I opened up and started expanding again into the bigger questions and here I am, 7 decades after my birth fiercely interested in these questions that were with me, even as a child.
Our being here was part of a plan, a bigger plan, on the part of your soul, and the more you know about what your soul had in mind, the better. For all the rough stuff about being on this planet, it is an enormous opportunity for soul growth. Those who have near death experiences and return usually resume their life with a much more pronounced understatnding of who they are, what they are here for and what is the best way they can use their remaining time here, for their own soul growth. Sometimes, there is a period of depression due to the contrast between the peace of the afterlife and the chaos on this planet, but once you really understand the difference you can make, both for yourself and for others, then, it becomes more of an adventure and a privilege.
For more years than I care to recount, I have understood that an astrology chart is one of the ways we can derive information about what our soul had in mind on this particular earthside journey. I use my readings to shed light on that very information. I like to think of the chart as the soul's layout for the kinds of experiences you can best use for growth. Some people have extremely difficult lives, and you can wonder why the soul would put someone through such things. These are deep topics. As Viktor Frankl shared in his classic The Search for Meaning about what allowed some people in concentration camps to fare better than others, he discerned that when we have a sense of purpose behind circumstances, it makes a world of difference. An astrology chart speaks to that sense of purpose in any given life.
If you are drawn to look more deeply into your 'star map' and ask anew the question "Why was I born", it would be my pleasure to interpret for you. Just go to the astrology section of my website to make an appointment.