The image I am including with today's blog is from a dolphin encounter I had many years ago in the open ocean. It is a bit hard to make out but still carries the energy of that magical time. It brings to mind a most amazing summer of 2012 experience with the dolphins that I live with here. I will hereby share that story.
Still under the blue moon influence, I went swimming with my friend F. on this particular day. I was talking with her about Jacques Mayol (now dead) who of everyone on the planet, seems to echo my sense most identically of why dolphins are important. F. and I were just relaxing in the amazing velvety ocean when I spot dolphins in the distance so, spontaneously I just started calling to Jacques Mayol from the 'other side' to connect with these dolphins in some manner. The dolphins began swimming in our direction and kept coming as I continued to call out to Jacques Mayol. Next thing F. and I knew, we were in the middle of the pod's fishing effort of rounding up fish and thwacking them into the air with their tails. It was a tight ball of activity and we were surrounded.
F. does not go underwater (an ear thing) but I dove down and the dolphins were on all sides. I swam with them using same swimming motion they use. I would come up and there they were, head above water looking right at us from all sides. We were in a strong current so, F. and I just let the current take us. The dolphins also went with the current so, for 20 minutes, we were being towed down beach in the middle of a dolphin jamboree with people lining the shore watching and wondering what they were witnessing. We got sonared repeatedly by the dolphins which, I am convinced, has a big impact on human neurology.
The whole thing was surreal. I have lived here for 14 years, and never have I felt so completely accepted as an honorary member of the pod while in the water. The water here is so murky that I cannot swim under and see like I can in the water in the Caribbean with the spotted dolphins, so it is harder to connect with the dolphins under this water, but this time was different from ever before. I deeply suspected Jacques Mayol had something to do with the whole thing. (Read my tribute to him on website under 'Why Dolphiins') F. was laughing with joy as she saw fish raining down on my head from the dolphin next to me thwacking them. We were clearly in some alter universe in this experience.
Finally, F. and I had to go to land or the current would take us out to sea. The dolphins did go out to sea (this all happened in the river where it empties into the sea . . . I live on the river). So, we are now walking back to my place and people who had watched on shore are asking us all kinds of questions as we are making our way back, so interested and curious and wanting to know more. F. needed to go home to pay her gardener so he could leave, but she felt the need to go back in the water, so we did. We are just swimming and suddenly, I became aware of a huge invisible sphere around us. It was from way up high and was filled with this enormous love.. I started to ask F. if she could feel it but she burst into tears and this big sorrow came out of her from a wound in her heart she has held all her life. She could not stop it. All I knew was we were in the middle of the most profound love in the form of an invisible sphere. I hugged her and let the sea rock her. After a short while, I felt the sphere release. She then left to ride her bike home. She told me later, she could not stop crying all afternoon. Big release. I KNOW something about interacting with the dolphins created that sphere. It was just extraordinary. There is so much to learn about what is possible at the interface of the sea and the land and the creatures of both. So very much. We are just at the edge of that understanding.
Two days later, the sphere returned, and I actually saw it visually. I have not seen it since but know it is still available and will return when enough people are open enough to that incredible field of potent love.
Still under the blue moon influence, I went swimming with my friend F. on this particular day. I was talking with her about Jacques Mayol (now dead) who of everyone on the planet, seems to echo my sense most identically of why dolphins are important. F. and I were just relaxing in the amazing velvety ocean when I spot dolphins in the distance so, spontaneously I just started calling to Jacques Mayol from the 'other side' to connect with these dolphins in some manner. The dolphins began swimming in our direction and kept coming as I continued to call out to Jacques Mayol. Next thing F. and I knew, we were in the middle of the pod's fishing effort of rounding up fish and thwacking them into the air with their tails. It was a tight ball of activity and we were surrounded.
F. does not go underwater (an ear thing) but I dove down and the dolphins were on all sides. I swam with them using same swimming motion they use. I would come up and there they were, head above water looking right at us from all sides. We were in a strong current so, F. and I just let the current take us. The dolphins also went with the current so, for 20 minutes, we were being towed down beach in the middle of a dolphin jamboree with people lining the shore watching and wondering what they were witnessing. We got sonared repeatedly by the dolphins which, I am convinced, has a big impact on human neurology.
The whole thing was surreal. I have lived here for 14 years, and never have I felt so completely accepted as an honorary member of the pod while in the water. The water here is so murky that I cannot swim under and see like I can in the water in the Caribbean with the spotted dolphins, so it is harder to connect with the dolphins under this water, but this time was different from ever before. I deeply suspected Jacques Mayol had something to do with the whole thing. (Read my tribute to him on website under 'Why Dolphiins') F. was laughing with joy as she saw fish raining down on my head from the dolphin next to me thwacking them. We were clearly in some alter universe in this experience.
Finally, F. and I had to go to land or the current would take us out to sea. The dolphins did go out to sea (this all happened in the river where it empties into the sea . . . I live on the river). So, we are now walking back to my place and people who had watched on shore are asking us all kinds of questions as we are making our way back, so interested and curious and wanting to know more. F. needed to go home to pay her gardener so he could leave, but she felt the need to go back in the water, so we did. We are just swimming and suddenly, I became aware of a huge invisible sphere around us. It was from way up high and was filled with this enormous love.. I started to ask F. if she could feel it but she burst into tears and this big sorrow came out of her from a wound in her heart she has held all her life. She could not stop it. All I knew was we were in the middle of the most profound love in the form of an invisible sphere. I hugged her and let the sea rock her. After a short while, I felt the sphere release. She then left to ride her bike home. She told me later, she could not stop crying all afternoon. Big release. I KNOW something about interacting with the dolphins created that sphere. It was just extraordinary. There is so much to learn about what is possible at the interface of the sea and the land and the creatures of both. So very much. We are just at the edge of that understanding.
Two days later, the sphere returned, and I actually saw it visually. I have not seen it since but know it is still available and will return when enough people are open enough to that incredible field of potent love.