“The Gift from Storm Beryl” May 30, 2012

My step-daughter, her partner and their little girl left today after their visit. This thing happened yesterday I will never ever forget. It was supposed to rain all day long solid as part of the storm Beryl. It was raining and windy but the rains let up and we decided to make a quick visit to the ocean to get some swimming in. Laurel (just turned six years old) and I were swimming and playing and I looked out and saw dolphins out in the distance. Since there was no boat traffic due to the weather (and no other people), there was nothing to stop me from swimming out to the dolphins. And then . . . it was like I stepped into another world.
The sheets of rain and the mist blocked out land. The ocean was like a big rolling surface tilting first one way, and then another. These different shades of clouds were scuttling past, and then out of nowhere, this light filtered through that had no discernible source. Next thing I knew, I was surrounded by dolphins. It felt like we were in this alter Universe together. I felt completely cut off from time and went into a state of being unlike anything I remember experiencing in the sea before (and I have had a lot of altered states-in-the-sea experiences). My joy and awe were off the Richter scale. I had no sense of needing to do anything but be with these dolphins in this place that, for all the world, felt like Avalon. I stayed out there for a long long time. The light kept changing. The ocean was moving like some kind of gyroscope and the dolphins and I were being rocked and cradled. The sky kept changing and the winds were orbiting in first one direction, and then another and the rain was coming down like some kind of blessing without end.
My stepdaughter and her partner and little Laurel were watching the whole thing from shore. Stephanie said, she has never before in her life seen the light do what it did. I already knew I loved this storm Beryl but this was the icing on the cake. I felt in the middle of a place of spirit where there was nowhere to go and nothing to do except have this endlessly glorious experience. The dolphins were totally connecting with my consciousness and I with them. I sensed that this phenomenon was showing me how they experience much of life all the time. It was a gift of a lifetime.
As if in confirmation of all I was feeling, in the mist, I could make out a large cargo ship in the shipping lane coming into port. There were only three letters on the side of the ship. It read: “M O L.” My full name is Muriel Opie Lindsay. How long do we wait for our ship to come in. Mine is here.
The sheets of rain and the mist blocked out land. The ocean was like a big rolling surface tilting first one way, and then another. These different shades of clouds were scuttling past, and then out of nowhere, this light filtered through that had no discernible source. Next thing I knew, I was surrounded by dolphins. It felt like we were in this alter Universe together. I felt completely cut off from time and went into a state of being unlike anything I remember experiencing in the sea before (and I have had a lot of altered states-in-the-sea experiences). My joy and awe were off the Richter scale. I had no sense of needing to do anything but be with these dolphins in this place that, for all the world, felt like Avalon. I stayed out there for a long long time. The light kept changing. The ocean was moving like some kind of gyroscope and the dolphins and I were being rocked and cradled. The sky kept changing and the winds were orbiting in first one direction, and then another and the rain was coming down like some kind of blessing without end.
My stepdaughter and her partner and little Laurel were watching the whole thing from shore. Stephanie said, she has never before in her life seen the light do what it did. I already knew I loved this storm Beryl but this was the icing on the cake. I felt in the middle of a place of spirit where there was nowhere to go and nothing to do except have this endlessly glorious experience. The dolphins were totally connecting with my consciousness and I with them. I sensed that this phenomenon was showing me how they experience much of life all the time. It was a gift of a lifetime.
As if in confirmation of all I was feeling, in the mist, I could make out a large cargo ship in the shipping lane coming into port. There were only three letters on the side of the ship. It read: “M O L.” My full name is Muriel Opie Lindsay. How long do we wait for our ship to come in. Mine is here.