Night Time Phenomena

Photograph from night dive
What it means to be human is undergoing a tremendous transformation at this point in time. There are many unusual events and effects that are happening as a result, many of which are very hard to fathom. I personally have spent several years experiencing these events and have learned first hand how to manage them and something of what to make of them. My experiences are mostly connected with sound and vibration, originally hearing a mysterious series of door slams night after night (I still hear them most nights), and sometimes being awakened to my bed being shaken violently. I have done research which has let me know that many others (who are otherwise considered sane and stable people) are going through similar experiences all over the globe. The medical world does not know what to make of these things (looking in the wrong places, I would suggest) so, most people feel they are on their own as to how to interpret such otherwise disturbing phenomena.
I suggest to you that, if you are also experiencing such things . . . not to worry. You are fine. There is nothing wrong, at least nothing in connection with these experiences. By all means, always seek whatever help you feel you need to for your well being, but consider this possibility. You are undergoing deep changes in your brain and in your neurology that has been millennia long in the making. Just as the earth herself is undergoing tremendous inner rumblings, so are we as her counterpart and an expression of her in human form. Certainly, the people who experience these night time phenomena are in the minority but I would suggest the reason it is happening to you has to do with a neurological sensitivity you carry. Until such time more is known about these phenomena, for those of us experiencing the events, we need to know we are not alone, to keep a sense of humor and to be very curious and interested to know more. I will happily share my thoughts on the subject, not as a scientist, but as a kind of “canary in the mine”. Do not underestimate what can be learned from trusting your own experience and your inner resources “to boldly go” where not that many others have gone before.
I suggest to you that, if you are also experiencing such things . . . not to worry. You are fine. There is nothing wrong, at least nothing in connection with these experiences. By all means, always seek whatever help you feel you need to for your well being, but consider this possibility. You are undergoing deep changes in your brain and in your neurology that has been millennia long in the making. Just as the earth herself is undergoing tremendous inner rumblings, so are we as her counterpart and an expression of her in human form. Certainly, the people who experience these night time phenomena are in the minority but I would suggest the reason it is happening to you has to do with a neurological sensitivity you carry. Until such time more is known about these phenomena, for those of us experiencing the events, we need to know we are not alone, to keep a sense of humor and to be very curious and interested to know more. I will happily share my thoughts on the subject, not as a scientist, but as a kind of “canary in the mine”. Do not underestimate what can be learned from trusting your own experience and your inner resources “to boldly go” where not that many others have gone before.