Waking up to Dolphin Knowledge
To Breathe or Not to Breathe? September 19, 2012

Two things to think about regarding the difference of life as a dolphin and life as a human is that, every breath a dolphin takes is a conscious decision. They are not automatic breathers. That means they can leave their body any time they want to. Their devotion to each other would seem to be one possible reason they do not take the easy way out when they are being captured for slaughter, when they are imprisoned in a tank in servitude or when they get beached while trying to escape horrific sound blasts underwater. Something is being taught here.
Secondly, nothing can be hidden from dolphins, including the emotions of each other, as their sonar gives them exquisite x-ray vision of anything and everything. It is easy to read one’s emotions when you can see what the organs and blood circulation are doing inside the body, which dolphins can do.
These two cultural differentiations alone speak volumes as to what dolphins have learned and developed versus ourselves. The breath is the penultimate connection between body and spirit, between the subtle and the physical. Dolphins are in charge of that aspect because they know HOW to be that way. We as a much younger species are having to learn evolutionary lessons of consciousness and subsequent physiology that dolphins already embody. Breath for us is automatic (perhaps protecting us from impulsive decisions). Hiding from ourselves and each other (by not seeing inside each other’s or our own bodies) is something we get to experience in order to grow into choosing transparency. We are here to learn the advantages of living in integrity all the time where what is shown outwardly is the same as what we hold inwardly. This learning is a major part of our evolution, I propose. Dolphins have been here over 50 million years and humans, a scant 5 million. We are young yet.
Secondly, nothing can be hidden from dolphins, including the emotions of each other, as their sonar gives them exquisite x-ray vision of anything and everything. It is easy to read one’s emotions when you can see what the organs and blood circulation are doing inside the body, which dolphins can do.
These two cultural differentiations alone speak volumes as to what dolphins have learned and developed versus ourselves. The breath is the penultimate connection between body and spirit, between the subtle and the physical. Dolphins are in charge of that aspect because they know HOW to be that way. We as a much younger species are having to learn evolutionary lessons of consciousness and subsequent physiology that dolphins already embody. Breath for us is automatic (perhaps protecting us from impulsive decisions). Hiding from ourselves and each other (by not seeing inside each other’s or our own bodies) is something we get to experience in order to grow into choosing transparency. We are here to learn the advantages of living in integrity all the time where what is shown outwardly is the same as what we hold inwardly. This learning is a major part of our evolution, I propose. Dolphins have been here over 50 million years and humans, a scant 5 million. We are young yet.