Tybee Island

Chapter 1 from The Chronicles of the Savannah River Dolphins
Some Background
The name of the island where I live and share my life with the dolphins is Tybee. Tybee means “salt” and was named by Indians that lived here hundreds of years ago. They named it that because of all the salt deposits they found here.
There is a town in Japan named Taiji, which sounds a lot like Tybee. I sometimes feel we are sister cities because for both of us dolphins are important but for different reasons. In Taiji, hunting dolphins for food is an ancient tradition. Part of the reason I am writing this book is to encourage seeing dolphins in a new way so no one will ever have to eat them again.
Tybee is one of many barrier islands off the coast of Georgia and the lower East Coast of the United States. We are connected to the mainland by a bridge. The population of Tybee’s permanent residents is around 4000. Also, many people visit here just to be close to the ocean. Continue Reading
Some Background
The name of the island where I live and share my life with the dolphins is Tybee. Tybee means “salt” and was named by Indians that lived here hundreds of years ago. They named it that because of all the salt deposits they found here.
There is a town in Japan named Taiji, which sounds a lot like Tybee. I sometimes feel we are sister cities because for both of us dolphins are important but for different reasons. In Taiji, hunting dolphins for food is an ancient tradition. Part of the reason I am writing this book is to encourage seeing dolphins in a new way so no one will ever have to eat them again.
Tybee is one of many barrier islands off the coast of Georgia and the lower East Coast of the United States. We are connected to the mainland by a bridge. The population of Tybee’s permanent residents is around 4000. Also, many people visit here just to be close to the ocean. Continue Reading
Resources for Tybee Island
Tybee Marine Science Center: www.tybeemarinescience.com
Captain Mike's Dolphin Tours: www.tybeedolphins.com
Tybee Island Info: http://tybeeisland.com/
Captain Mike's Dolphin Tours: www.tybeedolphins.com
Tybee Island Info: http://tybeeisland.com/