Limitless. When I think of what is our potential for being healed (and healing ourselves, and allowing ourselves to be healed), that is the word that comes to mind. Limitless. There is no limit as to what is possible. What makes it look like there are limits is our addiction to linear time (our ideas about how long anything takes) and our identification with ourselves as being primarily our body. Even though illness and imbalance starts in the mind, emotions and spirit, if it does not get balanced out, it eventually lands in the body.
Our body is our good friend. Our body is our servant. Our body is our constant reminder of what we are doing here on earth, and why. But we are not the vehicle itself, so therefore, when I say, our potential for healing is unlimited, I mean if you take into account that it will take what it takes to become 'healed.' It may take more than one lifetime, so dropping the body along the way may be. part of the ultimate healing we are after. Or not. We never know.
So I say, let us not fret about how long healing might take, or in which body it will occur, and let's just move on to what is healing anyhow. I would best describe it as becoming whole. Becoming of a piece, one cloth, body, soul, mind and spirit. I would further describe it as no resistence to anything and an utter flowing with the truth of your inner being.
Those fortunate moments when I am in that flow, time stops, and I do not care whether I am in my body or moving beyond it because I know it is a garment. A precious garment, one I am fond of, but a garment none the less.
There is a paradox here. The less you focus on illness or any kind of physical imbalance and tune into your eternal self (the 'you' you couldn't get rid of if you tried), the healthier you will tend to be. Honor the body in all the healthy ways you know about and then, don't think about it all that much.
There are those with great debilities, or dealing with enormous physical challenges and it would be hard indeed to be blithe about one's health under those circumstances but even, then, if you find the perspective of being an eternal being having a temporary experience, you might be surprised at what kind of miracles could manifest.
I had the privilege of visiting with a Phillipino psychic healer once who was able to just sink his hands into flesh like putting them into water. He carried so much light that just being in his presence was healing in and of itself. He saw people tirelessly from early in the morning until late, doing all manner of "surgery." Every so often, he had to say no to someone. The reason for his turning them down was that he could tell that their condition was karmic in nature and they were working something through in this lifetime, and he was not to interfere even though he could have.The condition in these cases he said were desired by the soul, and not a punishment, but a means of balancing. I have never forgotten this great man.
When I think of health, I think of the color green, the color of balance, the color right in the middle of the rainbow spectrum so, that being the case, may we all become, sooner or later . . . evergreen. Health is our birthrite, but we must claim it. by knowing it is not limited to the physical body nor to the dictates of that tyrant, linear time..
Our body is our good friend. Our body is our servant. Our body is our constant reminder of what we are doing here on earth, and why. But we are not the vehicle itself, so therefore, when I say, our potential for healing is unlimited, I mean if you take into account that it will take what it takes to become 'healed.' It may take more than one lifetime, so dropping the body along the way may be. part of the ultimate healing we are after. Or not. We never know.
So I say, let us not fret about how long healing might take, or in which body it will occur, and let's just move on to what is healing anyhow. I would best describe it as becoming whole. Becoming of a piece, one cloth, body, soul, mind and spirit. I would further describe it as no resistence to anything and an utter flowing with the truth of your inner being.
Those fortunate moments when I am in that flow, time stops, and I do not care whether I am in my body or moving beyond it because I know it is a garment. A precious garment, one I am fond of, but a garment none the less.
There is a paradox here. The less you focus on illness or any kind of physical imbalance and tune into your eternal self (the 'you' you couldn't get rid of if you tried), the healthier you will tend to be. Honor the body in all the healthy ways you know about and then, don't think about it all that much.
There are those with great debilities, or dealing with enormous physical challenges and it would be hard indeed to be blithe about one's health under those circumstances but even, then, if you find the perspective of being an eternal being having a temporary experience, you might be surprised at what kind of miracles could manifest.
I had the privilege of visiting with a Phillipino psychic healer once who was able to just sink his hands into flesh like putting them into water. He carried so much light that just being in his presence was healing in and of itself. He saw people tirelessly from early in the morning until late, doing all manner of "surgery." Every so often, he had to say no to someone. The reason for his turning them down was that he could tell that their condition was karmic in nature and they were working something through in this lifetime, and he was not to interfere even though he could have.The condition in these cases he said were desired by the soul, and not a punishment, but a means of balancing. I have never forgotten this great man.
When I think of health, I think of the color green, the color of balance, the color right in the middle of the rainbow spectrum so, that being the case, may we all become, sooner or later . . . evergreen. Health is our birthrite, but we must claim it. by knowing it is not limited to the physical body nor to the dictates of that tyrant, linear time..