Galapagos seal unimpressed by my seal imitation
I don't know whether to say of visiting the Galapagos Islands that it was like stepping back in time, or stepping forward in time. Either way, it seemed to step out of time current in that, the wild animals had no fear of humans. Wild birds would land on our shoulders. You had to watch your step not to land on blue footed boobies, gooney birds, marine iguanas, seals or Sally Lightfoot crabs. Even the white tipped sharks I came upon while swimming seemed benign. They were taking a snooze in a rock cave with water currents circulating through their gills so they didn't have to stay in motion. Nothing about my presence alarmed them.
This land of so much peace and acceptance brings to mind Eden, or heaven on earth. We take for granted that wild things avoid us. There are exceptions, but they are rare. Here the exception was the rule. Humans were not suspect.
This state of affairs has been maintained because humans are only allowed to visit here in small numbers at a time and while being monitored. We are not given a chance to alarm these animals who have first claim for their environment. There is no where on earth that I am aware of that is a sanctuary to this degree. I am so grateful to have gotten to experience that a place like this really exists.
I fast forward to the muchly touted 'thousand years of peace on earth', the Golden Age to follow the long slow rise up out of the dark ages that humanity is inching through. My thought is that a large part of that anticipated peace will have to do with how humans behave with each other but also with the animal kingdom and the earth herself. I dream of levels of trust and respect. I dream of not needing to use animals for food, entertainment or any kind of a product and feeling privileged just to know them. I dream and I dream. I cannot stop dreaming. All things are possible when imagined enough. After all, someone dreamed the Galapagos Islands into reality. Let's see what else we can do.
This land of so much peace and acceptance brings to mind Eden, or heaven on earth. We take for granted that wild things avoid us. There are exceptions, but they are rare. Here the exception was the rule. Humans were not suspect.
This state of affairs has been maintained because humans are only allowed to visit here in small numbers at a time and while being monitored. We are not given a chance to alarm these animals who have first claim for their environment. There is no where on earth that I am aware of that is a sanctuary to this degree. I am so grateful to have gotten to experience that a place like this really exists.
I fast forward to the muchly touted 'thousand years of peace on earth', the Golden Age to follow the long slow rise up out of the dark ages that humanity is inching through. My thought is that a large part of that anticipated peace will have to do with how humans behave with each other but also with the animal kingdom and the earth herself. I dream of levels of trust and respect. I dream of not needing to use animals for food, entertainment or any kind of a product and feeling privileged just to know them. I dream and I dream. I cannot stop dreaming. All things are possible when imagined enough. After all, someone dreamed the Galapagos Islands into reality. Let's see what else we can do.