Amazon anaconda giving me a hug
In the cartoon B.C., everytime the cave woman saw the snake character, she would proceed to club it mercilessly. Fortunately, the snake was of the hardy sort, and would just get a headache and rue that everyone seemed to have it in for him. And then, in the Adam and Eve saga, the snake is made out to be the villain of the piece. And so it has gone throughout history. Snakes have gotten a very bad rap. True, dying by snake bite has been a big exit route for untold numbers of humans throughout history, but when you don't have arms to push back, how else but with fangs do you get someone to leave you alone? Think about it from the snake's point of view.
But there is more to the story. Snakes have a bad rap, and they also have a very good rap. The snake coiled at the base of the spine is the source of all awakening as he/she goes up the spine on its kundalini swim to the top. In plant wisdom ceremonies using the Amazonian brew known as Ayahuasca (used by shamans for thousands of years), the most commonly reported experience is of meeting a wisdom spouting snake.
Which brings to mind, a story by the author of The Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock.I encountered this story just the other night while watching a video of one of his totally absorbing lectures on hidden civilizations. Graham has himself worked with Ayahuasca down in South America under the guidance of a particular shaman. During one of the visionary "journeys" while in an altered snake, a huge anaconda came and wrapped all around Graham and ended up with her head right next to his. This snake was, as is frequently the case on these journeys, the embodiment of Ayahuasca herself, in snake form. To be so snake wrapped, I assure you, is one of the more intimidating experiences you could have in the alter world that Ayahuasca invites you into.
Important to know in evaluating these 'journeys' with Ayahuasca, her (and she is a 'she') main purpose is the care of the whole planet and all of the systems on the planet and the consciousness of humans who need to re-connect with nature so that they and the planet might survive. So she has a very very large job to do, and yet, Graham said, she was choosing to just be with him. She could destroy him in an instant but what she did with him was simply let him know, it was imperative that he learn to love himself. That's it. That simple. Just learn to love yourself.
That an energy that large, and that magnificent and at the same time terrifying would attend to something Graham very much needed to do for his own welfare, was, by his own testimony, one of the most humbling and heart opening experiences of his life. That's snake wisdom for you. It takes what it takes to go through a genuine transformation and if a snake can be of such vast assistance, who are we to say no.
One last but not inconsequential thing. For clairvoyants who are able to see the colors in the auras of all beings, it is reported that the snake is the only animal that has all colors in its aura. The whole spectrum. So that would make them little (and sometimes not so little) rainbow ambassadors on the planet. Who doesn't love rainbows?
But there is more to the story. Snakes have a bad rap, and they also have a very good rap. The snake coiled at the base of the spine is the source of all awakening as he/she goes up the spine on its kundalini swim to the top. In plant wisdom ceremonies using the Amazonian brew known as Ayahuasca (used by shamans for thousands of years), the most commonly reported experience is of meeting a wisdom spouting snake.
Which brings to mind, a story by the author of The Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock.I encountered this story just the other night while watching a video of one of his totally absorbing lectures on hidden civilizations. Graham has himself worked with Ayahuasca down in South America under the guidance of a particular shaman. During one of the visionary "journeys" while in an altered snake, a huge anaconda came and wrapped all around Graham and ended up with her head right next to his. This snake was, as is frequently the case on these journeys, the embodiment of Ayahuasca herself, in snake form. To be so snake wrapped, I assure you, is one of the more intimidating experiences you could have in the alter world that Ayahuasca invites you into.
Important to know in evaluating these 'journeys' with Ayahuasca, her (and she is a 'she') main purpose is the care of the whole planet and all of the systems on the planet and the consciousness of humans who need to re-connect with nature so that they and the planet might survive. So she has a very very large job to do, and yet, Graham said, she was choosing to just be with him. She could destroy him in an instant but what she did with him was simply let him know, it was imperative that he learn to love himself. That's it. That simple. Just learn to love yourself.
That an energy that large, and that magnificent and at the same time terrifying would attend to something Graham very much needed to do for his own welfare, was, by his own testimony, one of the most humbling and heart opening experiences of his life. That's snake wisdom for you. It takes what it takes to go through a genuine transformation and if a snake can be of such vast assistance, who are we to say no.
One last but not inconsequential thing. For clairvoyants who are able to see the colors in the auras of all beings, it is reported that the snake is the only animal that has all colors in its aura. The whole spectrum. So that would make them little (and sometimes not so little) rainbow ambassadors on the planet. Who doesn't love rainbows?