salmon swimming upstream for all he is worth
When is 'going with the flow' wrong? Now that is a great big question. Live long enough, and you figure out that everything 'right' is wrong in some context, and everything 'wrong' is right in some context. So who is to say what you should do in any given moment? Your Soul. That's who. And how do you hear the voice of your Soul and distinguish it from other voices? Practice. Practice. Practice.
On the face of it, listening to the voice of your Soul would seem to be an easy thing, for after all, it is YOUR soul. And doesn't a mother recognize her own child?
There is brain washing a plenty on this planet. Getting confused about our true inner ethic can happen more easily than you might think. So what does all this have to do with salmon swimming upstream, you may ask?
For one, it is considered evolved knowledge to know that we are best off when we 'go with the flow.' Salmon don't do that. At the appropriate time, they go completely against the flow. So how do we know when it is our turn to apply salmon wisdom?
I think there is only one way, which I have already alluded to. Listen to the voice of your Soul. Learn to distinguish it from everything else that is. Doing this is an art form. Some are better at it than others, but all can improve, no matter what their starting point.
You will have to come up with your own best way of hearing your Soul speak to you but I will share what works for me. Yes, it is an inner 'knowing' that I get but what leads to that knowing is always the same thing. Joy. A bubble of joy. It may last for less than a second or go on for hours, but that is when I know I am riding my own Soul Train.
One last piece of salmon wisdom. When it is time for them to 'go against the flow', that is when they turn bright pink. The color comes from the huge amount of oxygen they are getting from the rushing waters. When it is time for you to go against the flow, whatever that flow might be (going against your families rules, or friends or the culture you were brought up in), the Universe will give you a huge surge of energy to support what you must do, to co-operate with your destiny. Just know that, and enjoy the journey with all the vigor of the salmon who seem to be having the time of their lives in their amazing journey upstream. Even if they end up in a bear's mouth, or soon dead after spawning, they are living their destiny full out. We should do so well.
On the face of it, listening to the voice of your Soul would seem to be an easy thing, for after all, it is YOUR soul. And doesn't a mother recognize her own child?
There is brain washing a plenty on this planet. Getting confused about our true inner ethic can happen more easily than you might think. So what does all this have to do with salmon swimming upstream, you may ask?
For one, it is considered evolved knowledge to know that we are best off when we 'go with the flow.' Salmon don't do that. At the appropriate time, they go completely against the flow. So how do we know when it is our turn to apply salmon wisdom?
I think there is only one way, which I have already alluded to. Listen to the voice of your Soul. Learn to distinguish it from everything else that is. Doing this is an art form. Some are better at it than others, but all can improve, no matter what their starting point.
You will have to come up with your own best way of hearing your Soul speak to you but I will share what works for me. Yes, it is an inner 'knowing' that I get but what leads to that knowing is always the same thing. Joy. A bubble of joy. It may last for less than a second or go on for hours, but that is when I know I am riding my own Soul Train.
One last piece of salmon wisdom. When it is time for them to 'go against the flow', that is when they turn bright pink. The color comes from the huge amount of oxygen they are getting from the rushing waters. When it is time for you to go against the flow, whatever that flow might be (going against your families rules, or friends or the culture you were brought up in), the Universe will give you a huge surge of energy to support what you must do, to co-operate with your destiny. Just know that, and enjoy the journey with all the vigor of the salmon who seem to be having the time of their lives in their amazing journey upstream. Even if they end up in a bear's mouth, or soon dead after spawning, they are living their destiny full out. We should do so well.