the pellie, the finnie and the lover of all things oceanic
Here you are, smack dab in the middle of your life, and YOU have to figure out what to do with it. Everyone has opinions about what you should do, how you should think, what makes you a good person, and what is life anyhow. Ultimately though, it is your job to make the best of it and outside help is often more confusing than helpful.
You are left to your own devices. You are in the boat of your body in the sea of life. You have the paddle of your skills and abilities, the clothing of the love you receive from others, but you have to choose where to paddle.
Fortunately, as we are choosing from the inside out, it becomes obvious, eventually, that we are anything but alone. In the inner sanctum of our being, we will find there is always at least one guide ready to offer assistance. This guide slides along just enough ahead of us to tell us, through our intuition, what we need to do in the next minute or two or ten. We will also discover that we are being watched over by parts of our soul that carry much more wisdom and perspective than our little personality selves, and that this oversoul is always there to be felt in times of need. The oversoul, or your High Self, of angels, or God Almighty (it matters not what you call it) is there to give comfort and courage, but not directions, at least not in the tradtional sense of spelling out exactly what to do.
When we feel the "Presence" of the oversoul and we heed the guidance of our intuition, a beautiful peace, like a calm sea, comes over us. These are the times we know we are privileged to be having a human experience, and these are the times we can see life as an adventure, and not something to be feared. We are always more prepared than we know. Live long enough, and you will laugh about how true that is.
That said, forward ho the paddles.
You are left to your own devices. You are in the boat of your body in the sea of life. You have the paddle of your skills and abilities, the clothing of the love you receive from others, but you have to choose where to paddle.
Fortunately, as we are choosing from the inside out, it becomes obvious, eventually, that we are anything but alone. In the inner sanctum of our being, we will find there is always at least one guide ready to offer assistance. This guide slides along just enough ahead of us to tell us, through our intuition, what we need to do in the next minute or two or ten. We will also discover that we are being watched over by parts of our soul that carry much more wisdom and perspective than our little personality selves, and that this oversoul is always there to be felt in times of need. The oversoul, or your High Self, of angels, or God Almighty (it matters not what you call it) is there to give comfort and courage, but not directions, at least not in the tradtional sense of spelling out exactly what to do.
When we feel the "Presence" of the oversoul and we heed the guidance of our intuition, a beautiful peace, like a calm sea, comes over us. These are the times we know we are privileged to be having a human experience, and these are the times we can see life as an adventure, and not something to be feared. We are always more prepared than we know. Live long enough, and you will laugh about how true that is.
That said, forward ho the paddles.