As I watched the colors morphing, I saw a light begin to appear in the middle of a cloud bank. It got brighter and brighter and began changing its shape. It looked like a sun itself in its intensity. I felt something non ordinary going on, and I surrendered to it instead of trying to figure it out.
As I surrendered, I felt the actual consciousness of this Light. I felt its intention to communicate. Just like when I connect with dolphins (doing the same kind of surrendering) I get the message, but without words per se.
Whatever that light that kept forming different shapes was conveying, I got. I comprehended on that level we have of knowing beyond language. Finally, the light faded back into the general brilliant color surrounding it and then the whole sky melded into dusk, and then into dark.
I took a whole series of pictures of this operatic event. I experienced a very similar event on the evening of 9/11 on that fateful day, and I have felt Light communicate at other times as well. Always, it is about giving comfort and encouragement and faith about what is happening on our planet.
I don't think that that Light I saw was a 'consciousness'. I know it was, and, I believe it is a phenomenon whose time has come.
It was as if the Light at sunset was the announcer of yet another opening as the whole next day on my actual birthday was filled with the non ordinary. I just rode the wave. There is more to share about that in the next blog. The transformative energies are not going to stop having their way with us, and that is the good news.
I share this event to encourage you to trust the non rational, especially when connected with great beauty and power in Nature.The key to look for to alert you it is time to surrender is awe. When our spirit gasps in wordless amazement, well, we are on to something.