What do men make of this, when they bear witness. To some men, they do not know what to make of it. It is like observing a culture from another land. To other men, it is mesmerizing and worth observing and studying and trying to figure out. To other men, it is inspiring and humbling. But I venture to say, to all men, it is a phenomenon.
This time of great change, and the return of the Divine Feminine, and the (perhaps for the first time in all of human history), the time of establishing an unprecedented balance between the masculine and the feminine, this time needs these gatherings of women. These natural coalitions become like the seed pod that will explode new life into all arenas on the planet.
When the gatherings culminate, which they usually do very organically and not based on clocks, the women return to their homes, their partners, their family, their friends. They do so in a state of having become genuinely nourished which in turn allows them to return to their duties and obligations filled with energy and motivation and new ideas. Everyone wins.
All over this planet, women are coalescing. Sister love is a force and none of the problems this world faces are beyond the scope of what women can address effectively. This resource has always existed. It is nothing new. What is new is, it is time for this resource to be fully utilized. And that is happening, all over the world. What a wondrous thing to witness at long last.